Turtle Hill, Brooklyn

Turtle Hill, Brooklyn


    Fecha de la edición : 2015
    Duración : 85 minutos
    Pais : Gran Bretaña
    Formato : dvd
    Zonas : Zona 2

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Turtle Hill, Brooklyn

pvp.19,95 €


It's a big deal turning 30 - for a gay dude anyway - and Will and his boyfriend Mateo decide to organise a big party in their Brooklyn digs to mark the occasion. On the night, between cocktails, dips in the pool and the olbigatory Pinata, the usual subjects come up. Talk of relationships, sex and even religion all come up, and a lot of laughts are shared. That is until, quite unexpectedly, a guest turns up and threatens to reveal a secret that could derail Will and Matteo forever.

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