


    Fecha de la edición : 2013
    Duración : 93 minutos
    Pais : Estados Unidos
    Formato : dvd
    Zonas : Zona 0

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pvp.19,95 €


Stella wants to travel to Nova Scotia, Canada, to wed Dot. But Dot’s granddaughter, Molly (Kristin Booth), not “getting” their relationship, fraudulently convinces Dot to sign over to her power-of-attorney which allows Molly to place Dot into an assisted living home and to evict Stella from their house.

Stella, being a strong, foul-mouthed, virtuous gal doesn’t put up with this nonsense, so she frees Dot from the home and they travel to the Canadian province of Nova Scotia to be legally wed. On the road trip they pick up hitchhiker Prentice, who becomes invaluable to both women on their trek to marriage.

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