Pound Shop Vol 1

Men and Ink

Pound Shop Vol 1


  • ISBN: 09-2015-01
  • Fecha de edición:
  • Nº edición: Primera
  • País: Gran Bretaña.
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Encuadernación: Revista
  • Dimensiones: 15 cm x 21 cm
  • Nº páginas: 16
  • Materias: Ilustración /

Pound Shop Vol 1

Men and Ink

Formato papel


pvp.12,95 €

Pound Shop 1 is the first in a series collecting together portraits by London-based graphic artist Typ0.

Some never-before published work alongside pieces from the-furrealist.tumblr.com and the pages of Cured Meat. Twenty saddle-stitched colour pages with a silk art paper finish and tactile matt-finish cover. Reprinted to meet demand, this edition has a rewritten afterword by the artist.

The signed and personalised option includes a dedication to you and a brush pen portrait inside. If you choose this, please provide a social media profile in the notes when you make your purchase, or email some reference photos.

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