Libros de la editorial : The University of Chicago Press
Mostrando 2 libros encontrados. (1 páginas).
Love Stories
Sex between men before homosexuality
Jonathan Ned Katz
The University of Chicago Press. Abril 2015
In Love Stories, Jonathan Ned Katz presents stories of men's intimacies with men during the nineteenth century—including those of Abraham Lincoln—drawing flesh-and-blood portraits of intimate friendships and the ways in which men struggled to name, define, and defend their sexual feelings for one another. In a world before "gay" and "straight" referred to ...
pvp. 27,95 €
Picturing Men
A Century of Male Relationships in Everyday American Photography
John Ibson
The University of Chicago Press. Abril 2015
There was a time in America when two men pictured with their arms wrapped around each other, or perhaps holding hands, weren’t necessarily seen as sexually involved—a time when such gestures could be seen simply as those of intimate friendship rather than homoeroticism.
Such is the time John Ibson evokes in Picturing Men ...
pvp. 26,95 €