


    Fecha de la edición : 2017
    Duración : 105 minutos
    Pais : Argentina
    Formato : dvd
    Zonas : Zona 2
    idioma : English

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Fernando is on holiday with his closest friends in a beautiful country house in a chic suburb of Buenos Aires. Without the presence of their girlfriends the boys are eager to talk about their deepest feelings, their sexual desire for the girls, their fear of the future and their conflicts. Disconnected from the outside world, they do little more than bask in the hot sun, play in the swimming pool, smoke pot and drink. As in all men only situations, they feel free to walk around naked or half- naked, being in such intimate proximity to each other. In that context, Fernando decides to invite a newcomer, Germa n, a close friend from his Taekwondo class. Germa n is quickly by the group, but also has a preference that Fernando ignores- he is attracted to men. Little by little the two friends get closer and more intimate, verging quickly on romance. Bringing a kind of potent sexuality in this totally bro environment, they need to decide whether to be explicit about it or not. Brimming with overwhelming sexuality throughout its entire running time, TAEKWONDO is steaming with eroticism and lust.

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