All Berto

All Berto


    Fecha de la edición : 2018
    Duración : 109 minutos
    Pais : Portugal
    Formato : dvd
    Zonas : Zona 2

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All Berto

pvp.24,95 €


1975, soplan vientos de cambio en la Portugal posrevolucionaria. Al Berto, ahora un aspirante a poeta, regresa a su pueblo natal de Sines. Se instala de forma ilegal en una mansión expropiada a su familia durante la revolución, y frecuenta a vecinos que comparten su interés por las artes y sueñan con una vida diferente. Pronto consigue un amante, João Maria, mientras provoca la ira de los residentes más conservadores.

"It s 1975 and when the winds of change are blowing over post-revolutionary Portugal. Al Berto returns to his small village after several years in Brussels, where he was trained as a painter. Settling illegally in a mansion that had been expropriated from his family during the revolution, young Al Berto begins to hang out with locals who share his interest in the arts and dream of a different life. Among them is the handsome João Maria -who will soon become Al Berto s lover. Soon Al Berto begins a counter-culture revolution that bewitches the towns youngsters but threatens the ideals of the most conservative locals. "

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