Tin Man

Tin Man


  • ISBN: 9780755390977
  • Fecha de edición:
  • Nº edición: Primera
  • País: Gran Bretaña.
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • Nº páginas: 207

Tin Man

Formato papel


pvp.16,95 €

This is almost a love story.

Ellis and Michael are twelve when they first become friends, and for a long time it is just the two of them, cycling the streets of Oxford, teaching themselves how to swim, discovering poetry, and dodging the fists of overbearing fathers. And then one day this closest of friendships grows into something more.

But then we fast forward a decade or so, to find that Ellis is married to Annie, and Michael is nowhere in sight. Which leads to the question, what happened in the years between?

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