For All Of Us, One Today

An Inaugural Poet´s Journey

For All Of Us, One Today


  • Editorial: Beacon Press
  • ISBN: 978-0-8070-3380-7
  • Fecha de edición:
  • Nº edición: Primera
  • País: Estados Unidos.
  • Idioma: CastellanoInglés
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • Dimensiones: 14 cm x 22 cm
  • Nº páginas: 112

For All Of Us, One Today

An Inaugural Poet´s Journey

Formato papel

[Agotado temporalmente en papel]

pvp.16,95 €

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For All of Us, One Today is a fluid, poetic story anchored by Richard Blanco’s experiences as the inaugural poet in 2013, and beyond. In this brief and evocative narrative, he shares for the first time his journey as a Latino immigrant and openly gay man discovering a new, emotional understanding of what it means to be an American. He tells the story of the call from the White House committee and all the exhilaration and upheaval of the days that followed. He reveals the inspiration and challenges behind the creation of the inaugural poem, “One Today,” as well as two other poems commissioned for the occasion (“Mother Country” and “What We Know of Country“), published here for the first time ever, alongside translations of all three of those poems into his native Spanish. Finally, Blanco reflects on his life-changing role as a public voice since the inauguration, his spiritual embrace of Americans everywhere, and his vision for poetry’s new role in our nation’s consciousness. Like the inaugural poem itself, For All of Us, One Today speaks to what makes this country and its people great, marking a historic moment of hope and promise in our evolving American landscape.

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