Elisa facing the sea

Elisa facing the sea


  • ISBN: 9781522898689
  • Fecha de edición:
  • Nº edición: Primera
  • País: Estados Unidos.
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • Dimensiones: 15 cm x 23 cm
  • Nº páginas: 178

Elisa facing the sea

Formato papel


pvp.12,95 €

"Elisa Facing the Sea" is a story of loss and reunion, love and friendship, rejection and acceptance. A book that talks about the first love, of our own acceptance and also by others; of longings and hopes, heartbreaks and disappointments, of pain. 
The novel begins when two women meet again on the top of a cliff after eighteen years of absence. The past linking these two women, Nuria and Elisa, is built on love, relinquishment, and pain. Their meeting will mean the return to that lost past, their teenage years, their relationship and the people they left behind. In spite of the years, they could not forget each other, leading to this encounter that will allow them a second chance

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