Jacob Mott

Jacob Mott has been drawing comic book characters since he was first able to hold a crayon. Having been born in Kent, England in 1975 he grew up in the eighties obsessed with all the muscle-bound toys and comics of that decade, all of which influenced him in some way or another. It wasn’t until puberty and a sex drive hit that he started drawing naked men however, but he’s certainly made up for it since! Jacob’s men can be big and muscular, rough looking or cute, chubby or skinny, but the one constant are those big watches! Jacob has no idea where his fetish came from, just that it’s been there for as long as he can remember, but he does love the big watches. Jacob has been a regular contributor to various magazines, including Freshmen, as well as illustrating “Naked Justice: Beginnings” from Class Comics. He is currently working on his creator-owned properties, “The Adventures of Lawsuit and T-Boy” and an as yet unnamed gothic erotic-comedy-horror in the style of Classic Monster movies.

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    Jacob Mott

    Bruno Gmünder. Abril 2010

    Libro de ilustraciones con dibujos en color con cierto aire manga japonés.Arte homo-erótico.Su gran placer es dibujar chicos con relojes grandes al lado de activos musculosos.


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