Love in the Time of Civil War
L'amour au temps de la guerre civile
Fecha de la edición : 2015
Duración : 120 minutos
Pais : Canada
Zonas : Zona 1
Love in the Time of Civil War
L'amour au temps de la guerre civile
pvp.20,95 €
Alex is a young addict who sells his body in Montreal. He's flanked by Bruno, Simon, Jeanne, Eric and Velma, all of them caught in the same spiral of compulsion. Hostage to society's market logic, they are the fallen angels of a dark and violent time.
Directed by Quebec filmmaker Rodrigue Jean (Lost Song), Love in the Time of Civil War premiered at TIFF 2014 with The Hollywood Reporter raving the film is an "An unflinching account of the life of a drug addict and male hustler."
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